Sweet Home Chicago

Congrats, Rich and Sarah

Rich and Sarah got married on Saturday. The wedding and reception were on Notre Dame’s campus. Congrats Rich and Sarah. May you have many happy years together!

Blues and whatnot

After the reception Saturday afternoon, I headed over to Chicago to catch up with Rachel, who was in town for a conference. The conference was having a dinner saturday evening, and I was going as Rachel’s guest. I was expecting your standard boring conference dinner. Turns out the conference had rented out Buddy Guy’s Legends blues club. In addition to a random Chicago blues band that did a 30 minute opening set, they had Buddy Guy himself do a 90 minute set. Oh, and there was an open bar and Cajun food that was pretty good (not nearly hot enough, but it is the northern half of the country). So major thanks to Rachel for the mad fun. Rachel and I spent Sunday afternoon at the Shedd Aquarium — the hotel had given her two free tickets with checkin for some reason. The aquarium is just about how I remembered it from whenever I went in grade school. But still a good way to spend an afternoon in Chicago (especially one that is cold and threatening to rain).

Random Updates

So I’ve sucked at this journal thing (with the exception of flying updates, which doesn’t really count). Some things that you might find interesting:

  • Went fishing with my dad, Uncle Bill, and some others on Lake Erie a week or so ago. Fun was had had, although the weather kind of sucked. The catch was pretty good, so that was nice.
  • I broke my nice set of closed-ear headphones last week. Attempts to repair with superglue failed. I liked those headphones :(.
  • My picture album software recently was upgraded to Gallery 2 (from Gallery 1). I like some of the new features, including the ability to store and show movies in a reasonable way. It also has some nice software for maintaining multiple installations on the same host, which will be nice for Mavin (since I’m now Web and DNS god).