Category Archives: Programming


First, the Concorde is about to be no more, which is kind of sad. I always wanted to fly on the Concorde. Looks like I’m either going to have to get really rich in the next couple months or miss out. 🙁

It amazes me how bad some computer science grad students are at writing code. Well, not just writing code, but understanding basic design principles. I used to wonder how Windows could be so bad and buggy, but more and more, I’ve had to face reality. Our profession sucks and has no quality control at all. And it really pisses me off. I spend way too much time working on production quality code to be willing to deal with code that isn’t up to par. It’s one thing to let a free() slip or the occasional dereference of a NULL pointer. But to just hack at it until it works is just not acceptable for anything but prototypes.

But I’m still happy as can be right now. I’m fully caffeinated (some may say a bit over caffeinated).


Goldfish are the most brilliant coding snack food ever. I’m completely addicted. *Sigh*.

Google hacking strikes again. Search on the terms “the worst search engine” and you get I have no idea if this is a Google search ranking hack or someone internal to Google. It does seem like it has occurred awful quick for it to be a Page Rank thing. Funny regardless.