Oh, I’m sorry. Did I break your concentration?

Computer People Suck

I’ve been filling out applications to a couple of grad schools this week. All four schools have some form of online application. And all four online applications suck. USC has two different online applications, both of which are impossible to follow. Cal’s is actually reasonable, except for the fact that it asks the same question multiple times and doesn’t automatically load the question set that matches your department – there are some instructions, but they are in about 4 different places. And Stanfords is, well, painful. You would think that people would be able to write decent software.

Computer People Really Suck

Someone actually managed to get OS X to return two lines from running the “hostname” command. I’m really not sure that is possible, and it really annoys me. I’m trying to figure out how this is possible, but it is breaking LAM’s configure script. I really don’t want to fix what is clearly not allowed (you can’t have multiple hostnames – it just isn’t right). Anyway, it looks like we will be releasing LAM 7.0.3 sometime in the next week. It wouldn’t be a Super Computing conference without a LAM release. No huge new features, just some bug fixes.

Poker Night

After watching Notre Dame finally win a game (woo hoo), went up to Santa Barbara to play poker with the ND crew. Dave came up with some crazy ass games – not all that surprising I suppose. I had about one good hand the entire night, but managed to hold on to end up a bit on the night. I was happy to find some entertainment for the night.