P-leads and wires

The only finished project of the weekend is the installation of new P-leads to replace the original ones, which were well beyond ratty and were starting to fail (one of them had to be spliced recently).  P-leads are like ignition cables for a car, but in reverse in that the magnetos are designed to produce a spark unless the rotor is grounded to itself.  The P-lead is a wire running from the magneto rotor to the switch (where it is grounded when the switch is offed).  Since there’s huge voltage spikes in the magneto (the sparks…), there’s lots of noise in the P-lead, so it’s shielded wire (which was part of what was failing).  Anyway, the new cables look halfway decent…

IMG_0251I started running all the data wires for the EDM-900 (there’s a crapload of them).  It looks like everything is going to fit, although I’m still not entirely sure how I’m going to setup the fuel flow sensor.  I need to get some smaller hose clamps to secure the oil pressure and fuel pressure sensors and put some more holes in the firewall.