Cleanup Night…

Started spraying the color coat on the mounting hardware for the flaps and ailerons tonight so that they’ll be ready for the weekend, should finish tomorrow.  In between coats, secured all the interior wiring that got moved around during the EDM install and the circuit breaker panel rewire.  Everything seemed to end up in the right place, so that’s good.  Still have to remove some panels and paint, but since I’m still not sure whether I’m going to redo the panel for the autopilot, I’m going to hold off on paint a little longer.  The panel on the left side of the footwell had carpet that was falling apart but the left had no carpet and was repainted a couple years ago.  Since the carpet was falling apart, I decided to strip it down and just have painted aluminum.  The carpet came off pretty easy and I’ve almost got the sidepanel cleaned up enough to paint, but still have some work to do.

I did manage to find time to get the Downer decals installed on the yokes.  I’m really happy with how those turned out…


The pins for hooking the autopilot up to the Narco Nav/Com should arrive Friday, so I should be able to wire that up and install the VAL Nav again and basically be done with the wiring.  The new panel for the lights arrived but needs a couple of holes drilled, so that will have to wait until the weekend (I need to get the right bits to drill fiberglass).